martes, 14 de enero de 2014

Statement of Academic Commitment of English for Businesses Student

Statement of Academic Commitment

of English for Businesses Student

1.    I ___________________________ student of English for Businesses

 ( LEX0709B21 ), accept the compromise of working on the accreditation of the subject, in strict observance of the Reglamento de Alumnos del Modelo Educativo ENFACE, the teaching sequence, the  applicable rules (Rúbricas), and the guidelines and indications provided by the facilitator.

2. In particular I undertake to acquire and develop the elements of general and specific competencies, described in the teaching sequence, with special focus on generic attributes, values ​​and attitudes identified for the course.

3. The generic skills I intend to develop in the semester are the ability to communicate proficiently in English language orally, in writing and through the use of information technologies.

4. The values ​​and attitudes I pledge to observe at all times inside and outside the classroom are responsibility and honesty in my studies; punctuality, order and respect for people and their ideas and opinions.

5. I accept and agree to comply effectively with class schedules, classroom participations, assignments, research, readings, presentations and academic events included in the didactic sequence, the ones requested  by the teacher and those arising from my collaboration with colleagues students and the group in general.

6. In particular, I state that I have enrolled in this course because I have no scheduling or transportation difficulties, and neither any impediment to attend classes and arrive punctually within 5 minutes of tolerance in the time of show up to the classroom.

7. I agree with the guidelines set by the facilitator to guide my behavior, attitudes and participation in terms of taking the best advantage of time in supervised and independent activities as clearly established in the Teaching Sequence.

8. Key element of the course is taking notes on the issues covered in classes, as well as research and work carried out in spaces of independent work outside the classroom, so I engage to follow up a log of lessons, the which may be required by the facilitator at any time of the semester, and will be basic requirement for accreditation of course.

9. I understand that proficient learning of a foreign language it is more a matter of immersion in the language and culture than just classes’ attendance. Therefore, I declare my commitment to enjoy time out of classroom in TV shows, news programs, videos, songs, readings and conversations.

10. It is clear to me that the student assessment protocol consists of oral and written examinations, verbal or audiovisual presentations, essays, simulation of real life conversations, and any other form of proficiency evidence. Hence, I fully agree and now express my acceptance of the result arising from these alternatives of student evaluation.

Signed before witnesses at the        days of  (month)  of   2014,    in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. .





_______________________                                            __________________

Witness: Name, e-mail, phone number.                          Edgar Piña Ortiz


C.c. p. File

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